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Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Nothing's ever simple . . .

There is a saying which goes 'Nothing is ever simple . . .'

There is a cake sale at school tomorrow, so I had to make something to bring in. Before I tell you about this baking disaster I am going to mention two things; one I am not good at baking under pressure or time constraints and two anything that I bake for my school always turns out awful. (Evidence: I made and iced 32 cupcakes for my sister to take into school and they turned out perfectly. I made and iced 17 cupcakes for my brother to take into school, and they were amazing.After all this success I decide to make 12 cupcakes to bring to my school and disaster strikes - the cupcakes don't rise evenly and the icing turns out lumpy. There are many examples I could tell you but this was the most recent!)

So with that positive thought I raided the pantry for ingredients, to decide what to bake. I settled on making flapjacks as they were the only thing I had all the ingredients for. In theory they should be 'fool proof' to make and be quick and easy!

I usually use Lorain Pascale's recipe (which always works for me!) which is equal amounts of butter, light muscovodo sugar, golden syrup and then double the amount of oats and a pinch of ground ginger. I followed the recipe to the letter as I always do, cooked the flapjacks for the correct amount of time, let them cool in the tin for 15 minutes before cutting them and low and behold it was a catastrophe. The flapjacks were crumbly and didn't stick together. They should have been described as sticky granola.

As well as the frustration and disappointment that the flapjacks didn't work out, I was confused. I followed the recipe exactly as I always have but this time it didn't work out for me. It could just be a curse I have on making things for school but I don't believe in witches and wizards!

Does anybody know what I have done wrong or what causes flapjacks to not stick together?

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